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Results from Waqwaq web retrieved at 15:08 (GMT)

Mapping applications Throughout this website you might encounter maps produced with the three different applications reviewd here. A sample screenshot is provided ...
Mapping Software Architecture GIS support in Waqwaq is based on ESRI's !ArcGIS 9.3 Webserver for the static maps and JavaScript API for the dynamic maps. The following ...
Mapping applications comparison This page describes the principal differences between the dynamic, the static and the desktop mapping application used by Waqwaq, as ...
Georeferences File Format This page documents the file format in which georeeferences are described in order to be mapped on the Waqwaq webservice. Example Links ...
Dynamic Maps Help This page documents the Waqwaq dynamic mapping interface. For how to generate maps see MapWorkflow and for the technical background in the specific ...
Static Maps Help A collection of maps related to the history of watermarks, papers and books are accessible via Waqwaq. They are refered to as "static" because the ...
Mapping Waqwaq offers an automated webservice that ingest georeferences files and delivers maps. This service allows you to produce maps of your own data that show ...
Internationalization A description of how to create user interfaces for languages other than those supplied by Waqwaq: Step by step guide 1. You need to host the ...
Versions Log Code versions log of the Waqwaq GIS application. Type legend: new new functionality; fix bug removed; dev code restructured Date Type ...
Map Settings This page explains how to change a number of default settings of the Waqwaq GIS application. Overview The following table gives an overview of the available ...
Technical tips Large datasets To draw datasets with thousands of records use the density map without the location symbols. With so much data you won't be able to ...
Mapping workflow This document presents a step by step guide for generating maps with the Waqwaq webservice. Step 1: Create a georeferences file 1. Download the ...
Number of topics: 12
Paris, France
Waqwaq - mapping cultural geographies

http://www.bernstein.oeaw.ac.at/twiki/bin/view/Waqwaq/WebHome · r10 · 26 Oct 2012 · 15:37:32 · VladAtanasiu
Waqwaq: Mapping cultural geographies · http://www.waqwaq.info
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